Full Spectrum Education compiled the following resources to use in conjunction with Resettlement: Chicago Story.

Learning Activities for the web experience with Mary
The interactive page for Mary Yamamoto explores these historical themes:
- American identity, loyalty and patriotism
- Racial segregation
- Teen clubs, social groups based on belonging and identity

Learning Activities for the web experience with Kimiye
The interactive page for Kimiye Yamamoto explores these historical themes:
- Assimilation goals of the U.S. government vs. Japanese Americans finding "home"
- Housing discrimination
- Business entrepreneurship, financial independence
- Racism and racial tensions
- Human consequences of U.S. government concentration camps

Learning Activities for the web experience with Sam
The interactive page for Sam Yamamoto explores these historical themes:
- Japanese American farming communities
- Executive Order 9066, civilian exclusion orders, and unlawful incarceration
- Celebrating Japanese culture, cultural activism and resistance

General Resources
- Use of language & terminology
- Archives and collections
- Other websites & web experiences
- Film, novels/fiction, articles and books, newspapers, etc.